Aspire Academy will be a gospel-centered school serving the most vulnerable in the community of Gitagata in Eastern Rwanda. We seek to bring hope, joy, and opportunity to a community that has historically had so little. The 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi ravaged this community and the effects are still being felt today.
The cycle of poverty continues as students don’t have good access to quality education. Pairing great education with the truth of God’s Word is where Aspire Academy will impact the students of Gitagata. As a financial partner, you will have a direct impact in not only a child’s life, but in the life of the entire family. Education will bring students to formerly unattainable heights and help their families out of extreme poverty.
Ivan and Jordan are both qualified educationalists, both having master’s degrees and a combined experience of over a decade in schools. Jordan has a Master’s in educational leadership and Ivan has an MBA. They both have a heart for the most vulnerable. God so beautifully orchestrated their background in education with their desire to help the vulnerable into the vision of Aspire Academy.
Please join us in this journey of caring for the least of these.