Lusaka, Zambia
Vision: We envision a society that exercises collective responsibility towards participatory development and Care for the environment while combating diseases and poverty in Zambia.
Mission: FHFZ mission is to work towards the realization of a society committed to eradicate poverty and disease in Zambia through participatory development and research, strategic partnerships, advocacy and information sharing
Specialty areas: Health, Education, Economic Development, Environmental Care and Research
Scope of work: FHFZ is a Non-Profit-making Community Based Organization that work towards the realization of a society committed to embrace participatory sustainable development and care for the environment through research, strategic partnerships, advocacy and information sharing. FHF Zambia envision a society that exercises collective responsibility towards participatory development and Care for the environment while combating diseases and poverty in Zambia.
What we do: We conduct day-to-day management of finance and human resources of Friends At Heart Foundation Zambia. We also conduct counselling and awareness outreach programs on substance abuse for the youths and other community members. We carry out rigorous advocacy campaign programs meant to change negative cultural beliefs associated with mental illnesses. FHFZ advocates for the provision of more educational opportunities for vulnerable children. We carry out life skills training programs and sensitization campaign on the plight of vulnerable people in Zambia. In addition, we influence the public to cut on the practices that contribute to global warming and climate change by teaching and training them on good and user-friendly environmental practice. We support community schools with educational materials, feeding program, garden making, tree planting, drilling boreholes, community health, financial support, etc.