real outreach theological college

Real Outreach Theological college

juja , Kenya

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Learn More About Us

Real outreach theological college[] is a theological college registered in kenya .we are accredited through alliance of theological schools[ats]and have a robust curriculum from international college of bible theology.Rev Dr.ephraim mwaniki is the founder member and principal leader.We have a registered church ,REAL OUTREACH MINISTRY  here in kenya .I gave my life to the lord in 1986 as a young man, grew in the church ,married and later became the youth patron.ihad great zeal for the lord and went for my first school of ministry in 1991. In 1997 I felt the lord’s call to open a church  and  comfortably did it. We had one challenge, our eldest son sickling all along and my wife, Nancy[ my wife] had to resign from working to take care of the boy who then died at eighteen years,we have have two  girls one now married and another in college. My elder daughter who is a high school teacher together with the husband are both gospel ministers and board members at real outreach theological college giving educational insights and guidance.. I personally started my theological journey in 2010 at Pan Africa Christian University,joined landmark Baptist theological seminary for degree in theology,masters in theology,doctorate in theology,another doctorate in religious education and Phd in orgarnizational leadership with northwestern Christian university.the journey of theology took me eleven years upto 2020. In my theology life and teaching as a lecturer,ifound out that pastors were droping out of class because of huge school fees,and language barriers,ihad a lead to open a bible school that will be cheap if not free and people friendly,ihave found out that when we educate a church leader ,we fasten the work of great commission. Kindly support us train as many pastors in this part of the world,we use local languages even to those that are not such learned and even we have part time classes,. When you support real outreach theological college,you are co-working with us in this part of Kenya. we have over time identified that pastors do not have education to communicate in any other apart  from their mother tongue,others are not able to write ,others donot have school fees to take them to bible school. real outreach theological college has identified such and is out to help them realize their Godly calling. real outreach theological college through the leadership will from time to time avail live videos while in class.we train in any affordable language and setting where we offer even foodstuffs to others.

Our Programs & Who We Serve

real outreach theological college serves church leaders and anybody with passion to serve God -we serve pastors and church leaders through training them the sustainable theology -we teach the word of God and also follow to see the word in the market place -we teach on entrepreneurship based on the word of God -we teach that christianity is not just another religion but a practical religion -we teach church leaders to be productive in the community yet upholding christian values -our students are givers to the community, embrace the neighborhoods and environment

we found out that most of the pastors cannot afford the school fees demanded by theological schools and at the same time some pastors comes from poor back ground hence not having adequet or required grades demanded by the bible schools.real outreach theological college recognizes prior learning experience and this has helped many to bridge to their current level.others have  challeges  with english as instructional language but we have teachers who teaches in the language of the students.

Pray with us

-pray with us to remain focus on our mandate -we need people to join us through generous giving -we need people to support our three teachers who teach long hours to students who cant raise school fees,even books -we need people who will support us to finish cement our class[we have been given a space by dr,ephraim mwaniki and family] .

our one time expences

hall building                                                      2000 dollars


total                                                                  2000 $      a one time expense


monthly expense


three teachers   @ 300$                                      900$



total monthly                                                 900$


 gland total   is                                              2900$

this will help us do the ministry . we will continually let our donors know all we are doing.

by God`s grace we are helping the students on how they can be good business people alongside their ministry.


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To mail your donation, please make your check payable to Christian Ministry Alliance, with a notation for Fund #3175, and mail to: P.O. Box 7735, Goodyear, AZ 85338.

Donor Advised Funds or Private Charity

If you are giving from a Donor Advised Fund or Private Charity: Follow these steps:

1. Find "Christian Ministry Alliance" in your grant portal. (Goodyear, AZ|EIN: 46-3408177)
2. In your grant portal, designate the gift by including the name of the associate or FSO.

Non-Cash Giving

By donating assets such as stocks, real estate, and business interests before the sale, you can reduce taxes and create longevity in your giving.

To learn more about how to give non-liquid assets like stocks or real estate, email us at [email protected]

Here's what we do in action.